Unser Politikblog | 01.12.2022
On 26.11.2022, Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing – human rights defender as defined by UN Resolution 53/144 – filed an international criminal complaint for crimes against humanity under Article 7 of the Rome Statute (RS) through the Corona Shock Measures at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.In the course of a widespread and systematic attack against civilian populations, people are killed or seriously harmed by: Murder (Art. 7 (1) lit. a RS), extermination (lit. b), deprivation of liberty (lit. e), torture (lit. f), enforced sterilisation and sexual violence (lit. g), persecution (lit. h), apartheid-like persecution (lit. j/h) and other inhumane acts (lit. k).
The 720-page criminal complaint contains the result of private, voluntary investigative work in the period from August 2020 to November 2022. Over 600 witness statements received from Germany, Greece, Canada and numerous other countries from five continents – including countries that did not ratify the Rome Statute – were evaluated by the internationally cooperating investigative group and the objective elements of the crime were substantiated. The first indications of the modus operandi of the respective crimes emerged. Primary sources such as ordinances, laws, books, studies, news articles and film and audio recordings were also evaluated in order to obtain a lead on possible motives for the suspects.
Within the reach of the ICC are crime contributions with crime scenes in member countries and by persons with nationality of a member country (Art. 12 (2) RS), irrespective of the place of residence and nationality of the victims. This is of considerable importance with regard to the crime contributions affecting all victims of the crime, whose cross-border focus is on shock measures (torture) and the use of biological weapons ("vaccinations"). The so-called Corona f considerable importance with regard to the crime contributions affecting all victims of the crime, whose cross-border focus is on shock measures (torture) and the use of biological weapons ("vaccinations"). The so-called Corona measures are based on the concept of psychological torture and formed the basis for the establishment of an omnipresent torturous environment with media support, in which many people were incited to commit crimes against themselves or others through appeals to low motives. Through the combination or accumulation of individual torture techniques, which may seem harmless in themselves, people are subjected to psychological and physical torture depending on their individual vulnerability.[1] This happens, for example, through the obligation to wear a mask for children, during pregnancies and births, as well as PCR tests and the isolation of so-called vulnerable groups in institutions. Furthermore, the so-called "COVID vaccinations" do not merely have the characteristics of a biological weapon (effect: disease or death), but were legally defined as gene therapy in preparation for their development and subsequently declared to be "vaccination". The mRNA/DNA "Corona vaccinations" are biological weapons in the sense of Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention [2] because they kill and seriously damage the health of many people instead of fulfilling a health benefit. No evidence of the existence of a complete SARS-CoV-2 virus could be found over the entire period of investigation. The spike protein itself was developed as part of gain-of-function research by deliberately increasing the hazard potential of a pathogen (spike) through genetic manipulation.Crime has only been able to assume such global proportions because various private organisations and networks have worked together internationally to manoeuvre populations and place or influence decision-makers in key positions in recent decades. In addition to the previous criminal phenomenon areas such as politically motivated crime (PMK) [3], organised crime (OK) [4] or terrorism (§ 129a StGB) [5], a new phenomenon area has emerged: geostratically organised terrorism (GOT). For this purpose, the definition of OK had to be expanded to include three additional elements: social associations, science and medicine, with regard to their ability to influence politics, the media, public administration, the judiciary or the economy. The planning of terrorist acts also follows geostrategic concepts by exploiting state structures. Although ideological and financial influences on persons in key positions were already present before the crime began, the majority of decision-makers as well as countless ordinary people have been objectively drawn into the acts by having their perceptions forcibly shifted through deliberately set shocks - supported by the media and sciences and appeals to base motives.
There are different main groups of perpetrators with different motives (general criminalistic motive categories: perpetrator-immanent motive of destruction, group dynamics, enrichment, concealment, relationship, sexual and unclear motive), which show intersections. The most serious perpetrator-immanent destructive motive at hand includes a eugenically ideologised will to control the population by killing and preventing births, followed by profit maximisation, state power transferred to private parties, replacement of fundamental rights and human rights by unenforceable ethics for the purpose of implementing economic and ideological interests of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution".
The criminal complaint, which focuses on the main perpetrators, is directed against more than 400 suspects/accused and unknown perpetrators in internationally distributed crime scenes.
The criminal complaint to the ICC also fulfills the obligation according to art. 138 (1) no. 5 StGB to inform the public prosecution authority about crimes against humanity one gets to know about. This press declaration contributes to fulfill the duty according to art. 138 (1) no. 5 StGB to warn the people who are at risk to become victims of the crime.
The investigations were based on the following literature, among others:
Werle (2016). Völkerstrafrecht. Mohr Siebeck Tübingen
ICC, Eurojust (2022). Guidelines for civil society organisations
Walder et. al. (2021). Kriminalistisches Denken. Kriminalistik Verlag
Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing
Human rights defender i.S.d. UN-Resolution 53/144
Thorner Straße 7
D-42283 Wuppertal
0202 2502621
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Matrix to check geostrategically organised terrorism (GOT) |
[1] Human Rights Council A/HRC/43/49, (86) Report on psychological torture and ill-treatment from 20.03.2020, Biderman's chart of coercion Amnesty International, Report on Torture, New York, 1973
[2] „Each State Party to this Convention undertakes never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain: (1) microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes; (2) weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict.“
[3] „Der Politisch motivierten Kriminalität werden Straftaten zugeordnet, wenn in Würdigung der Umstände der Tat und/oder der Einstellung des Täters Anhaltspunkte dafür vorliegen, dass sie den demokratischen Willensbildungsprozess beeinflussen sollen, der Erreichung oder Verhinderung politischer Ziele dienen oder sich gegen die Realisierung politischer Entscheidungen richten, sich gegen die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung bzw. eines ihrer Wesensmerkmale, den Bestand und die Sicherheit des Bundes oder eines Landes richten oder eine ungesetzliche Beeinträchtigung der Amtsführung von Mitgliedern der Verfassungsorgane des Bundes oder eines Landes zum Ziel haben, durch Anwendung von Gewalt oder darauf gerichtete Vorbereitungshandlungen auswärtige Belange der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gefährden, gegen eine Person wegen ihrer/ihres zugeschriebenen oder tatsächlichen politischen Haltung, Einstellung und/oder Engagements gerichtet sind bzw. aufgrund von Vorurteilen des Täters bezogen auf Nationalität, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Hautfarbe, Religionszugehörigkeit, Weltanschauung, sozialen Status, physische und/oder psychische Behinderung oder Beeinträchtigung, Geschlecht/sexuelle Identität, sexuelle Orientierung oder äußeres Erscheinungsbild begangen werden. Diese Straftaten können sich unmittelbar gegen eine Person oder Personengruppe, eine Institution oder ein Objekt/eine Sache richten, welche(s) seitens des Täters einer der o. g. gesellschaftlichen Gruppen zugerechnet wird (tatsächliche oder zugeschriebene Zugehörigkeit) oder sich im Zusammenhang mit den vorgenannten Vorurteilen des Täters gegen ein beliebiges Ziel richten.“
[4] „Organisierte Kriminalität ist die von Gewinn- oder Machtstreben bestimmte planmäßige Begehung von Straftaten, die einzeln oder in ihrer Gesamtheit von erheblicher Bedeutung sind, wenn mehr als zwei Beteiligte auf längere oder unbestimmte Dauer arbeitsteilig unter Verwendung gewerblicher oder geschäftsähnlicher Strukturen, unter Anwendung von Gewalt oder anderer zur Einschüchterung geeigneter Mittel oder unter Einflussnahme auf Politik, Medien, öffentliche Verwaltung, Justiz oder Wirtschaft zusammenwirken.“ https://www.bka.de/DE/UnsereAufgaben/Deliktsbereiche/OrganisierteKriminalitaet/organisiertekriminalitaet_node.html
that criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the
intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of
hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the
general public or in a group of persons or particular persons,
intimidate a population or compel a government or an international
organization to do or to abstain from doing any act, which constitute
offences within the scope of and as defined in the international
conventions and protocols relating to terrorism, are under no
circumstances justifiable by considerations of a political,
philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other
similar nature, and calls upon all States to prevent such acts and,
if not prevented, to ensure that such acts are punished by penalties
consistent with their grave nature“
Council Resolutions Resolution 1566 (2004) Threats to international
peace and security caused by terrorist acts,
No. 3
be deemed to be terrorist offences: (a)
attacks upon a person's life which may cause death; (b) attacks upon
the physical integrity of a person; (c) kidnapping or hostage taking;
(f) manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport, supply or use of
weapons, explosives or of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, as
well as research into, and development of, biological and chemical
of Ministers of the EU - Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002
on combating terrorism,
Art. 1 (1)
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